This is the First Pic of Innocence Failed!
(I'm in the middle with my hair in Pigtails...lol)

Pic 2 of Innocence Failed!
Celine, Kay, Me, Tressa, and MarisKa

a Full body shot of Innocence Failed... too bad it's sideways... lol

Me, as Innocence, wearing a dress... a red dress...
lol, i'm a sexy chick! lol

This is an older pic of the band (when Tori was still in it)

THE GIRLS ARE RE-UNITED! well not really... Tressa is singing Suicidal Dreams while being accompanied
by Tori... and I'm up in the backround... lol (at their FIRST SHOW!)

Innocence Failed Show number 2, Status: Sucess

Kay before, or after the second show... with her Dredz!... they
kinda suit her...